
Installing a Linux Distro for the first time -- hiccups you can expect

I'm yet to have a Linux Distribution install without any error, whatsoever. In general terms, what should you be careful of when installing for the first time?

I just bought my Kids a new computer for Christmas. I don't fork out cash for kid computers, nor do I really believe in buying into the newest gaming platforms, whatever they may be; there's always something better just on the horizon, and the games are way too expensive. Beyond that, "pay to play" is real in 2019, and there are far too many gaming ecosystems engaged in predatory marketing.

MAGA: Make Apple Great Again

After some 25 years of brand loyalty, I want out. Apple used to be cool. In 2019, they're just another corporate leech.

My iPhone 7 is dead this morning. I wake up; hit the home button; nothing. This is my work number, so, yeah... it's a slight inconvenience. Put on a pot of coffee and climb the stairs to my office: "maybe if I connect to the old MacPro I can get some diagnostic info..."