Fluid UI

Adding a Custom Block to Drupal 8's Fluid UI Module

The Fluid UI module for Drupal 8 is a great way to improve the accessibility and 508/ADA compliance of a website. The one problem I have with the module is that it renders it's "accessibility block" outside of Drupal's block system via hook_page_top(). What if you wanted to treat the block like any other? What if you wanted to assign it to one of Drupal's block zones?

Full disclosure -- I'm not a PHP developer. In all honesty, I am a front end dev who works mostly in SASS/CSS with the occasional foray into JavaScript and jQuery. So, I'll admit to starting this project with my feet firmly planted into the deep end of the PHP pool; I'm not really tall enough to keep my head above water. PHP, for me, is less about swimming and more about not drowning. At the same time, any chance to dig into the guts of Drupal and get my hands dirty with code is generally something I welcome.