How to Kill your Drupal Site: Updates

It seems counter intuitive, but sometimes the easiest way to bring your site down is to catch up with your updates.

Let me qualify that, slightly: the risk of bringing your site down grows considerably when you're not constantly keeping up with updates. If you've neglected your updates for more than a few months or so, you may be inviting the WSOD (White Screen of Death--a digital grim reaper, of sorts) the next time you run your updates. Even without months of neglect, unless you're paying attention, updates can still be deadly to your site. Here's why:

To CMS or not to CMS

Which is a better fit for your small business? How do you choose between a content management system like WordPress or an online site builder like Wix?

It's a question I imagine a lot of small businesses run into: we need to get our business on the web--should we go with a WordPress or Drupal CMS (Content Management System), or should we go with one of those online, out-of-the-box solutions like Wix, or Duda?

For big companies running big budgets, a CMS offers the flexibility to draw outside the lines and chase after custom features and custom branding; whats more, the CMS route offers seemingly endless possibilities when it comes to scaling upwards.