
Bash: A Simple Script for Checking out New Git Branches

I'm feeling particularly nerdy today and I had a little extra time in my schedule. I recently discussed the utility of Bash Aliases; today, I decided go a step further and put together a Bash Script that allows me to build on that power even more. A Bash Script is basically an Alias on steroids, and if you've had any experience with PHP or JavaScript, there's a lot of overlap. Put on your nerd glasses and let's have a look.

Background - Repetitive Processes w/ Git

You may or may not find this script particularly useful--this post is really about the power of bash scripts to help manage workflow. I do, however, find myself checking out new Git branches somewhat frequently. So, with the extra time in my schedule, I decided to have a little fun and see if I could automate some of that Git workflow with a simple script. Checking out a branch with git isn't a particularly complicated process: git checkout -b <branchname>.

Web Developer Workflow: Useful Linux Bash Aliases

If you spend a lot of time on the command line, like I do, an important part of your workflow is getting things done both quickly and efficiently. Bash aliases can be extremely helpful in saving you time. This isn't a comprehensive list by any means, but hopefully it serves as a starting point--allowing you to optimize your terminal-based development work.


I recently talked about bash aliases for managing XAMPP more efficiently. Here are a few more fun ways you can optimize your development workflow on the command-line using aliases. None of this is rocket science, by any measure. Still, if you're new to bash aliases this brief article will hopefully act as an introduction to a new way of using the command-line (and a new way of thinking about workflow, hopefully).

Launch Xampp from Linux Command Line -- The Easy Way

Quick and easy ways to Launch XAMPP from the command line with aliases.

Start & Stop -- The Easy Way!

You've installed XAMPP for Linux! Congratulations! Now that it's installed, how do you get it running? ApacheFriends has you covered for the basics, of course, but their methods make use of the command line, and aren't exactly efficient in terms of keystrokes.

If all you need to do is get services (Apache, MySQL, ProFTPD) started or stopped, ApacheFriends suggests you use the following: