
Digital Security: Using MS Word Documents to Deliver Viruses

I must be some sort of masochist: I've always been fascinated by computer-hacking, but never more than when it's directed at me. Every couple of months I'll get a mail in my inbox that sets off alarms. In most cases, they're obvious attempts to get ahold of my C.C. info; today, it was somethig a little more interesting: a socially engineered attempt at delivering a payload via an attached Word Document. Exciting!!

Think it's only executables (i.e., .exe files) you need to stay away from? Think again. Today, that virus is coming to you courtesy of your good friend: the MS Word document. But first, let's look at the delivery. Today's attack comes with a bittersweet coating of Social Engineering.

WTF is a Macro? Passing Variables to Tracking Code

A marketing company says they want to pass a "macro" to their tracking script, and that only I can do it. Tag Manager and JavaScript are the answer.

I've never pretended Analytics was my forte; I can handle it, but it's not where most of my energy winds up directed. Like all developers, though, I'm a pro at leveraging Google and StackOverflow to fill in the gaps. Still, every now and then, these vast fonts of wisdom fail to deliver and I come that much closer to developing chronic ulcers.